Thursday, November 19, 2009


After my last meeting I started thinking that showing my work as a dyptics, or tryptics might be the way to present my final project. The awesome find that I made the other day when I put two pieces next to each other inadvertently and was interested in the piece they treated is what lead to this new idea. The thing that I need to explore more is if the images grouped together need to be of the same location, or if similar compositions is enough to put them together. I show this below with an example of each.

The second image of the same location is something that I am going to explore this weekend. I'm going to start by going back to the same location to photograph the space again with the knowledge that I ultimately want to create a multiple image piece. From there the next places that I'm going to shoot I will also apply this way of thinking with hopeful similar results. I think that the ultimate idea here is to be able to unify the spaces so that shots will be able to relate to each other when presented together as one body. Luckily there are still many locations that I want to shoot at, and even more that I know I have not discovered yet.

I've also noticed similarities between the images that I have already shot. In the reflections certain images repeat them selves, such as foliage, streetlights and parking lots. The more similarities that the images have, the stronger I feel they will be. Also there seems to be two types of images, ones that have a vanishing point that and are more information heavy on ether the left or right side, and ones that are bottom heavy and more flat like the first two. Playing up on these similarities is what I'm going to be thinking about when I go out this weekend.

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