Thursday, November 5, 2009


To help to fill out my 150 images per week I decided to get a little creative and try to produce some work that I could potentially use for a portfolio, other than what I am doing for class. I've been wanting to work on commercial type work for a while, and I feel like I finally have the time to do both senior portfolio work along with this on the side. I had a conversation with fellow classmate Kerry about getting into the studio and working on building or skills as well as getting some usable pieces out of it. She was definitely on board so on Monday we decided to have our first shoot. We want to start out the first few sessions more as practices, getting reacquainted with the equipment and honing our lighting skills. The idea is to figure out the best ways to light any given subject.

On Monday we showed up with our cameras, and that's about it. We seemed to some how forget to bring something to actually shoot, so I suggested on the fly that we shoot my bike. The goal was to try to light it the best that we possibly could as a test of our knowledge, and I think that we did a quite good job for our first shoot.

The only photoshopped used was to take out the wood block that was supporting the bike in the first shot. We did it in about an hour and a half, and I have to say it was a lot fun. The idea here on out is to alternate coming up with concepts so that we can each peruse our own ideas and be working on multiple projects to maximize creativity. Kerry has worked with a good amount of models before so I don't think that we will have any trouble finding subjects. The second shot with me on the bike looks to me like a Puma add so I think that I might go with that and start trying to come up with new ways to advertise the shoes, just as a start.

I think that this is a great addition to the conceptual work that I am doing for senior port because this helps me to sharpen my tech skills, while my class work furthers my thinking muscles.

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