Sunday, October 11, 2009

Jessica Stockholder

Part two of my ask a friend for an artist led me to Jessica Stockholder. Stockholder is a contemporary sculptor with a schooling background in painting from Yale. Her pieces are explosions of color, found objects and can be seen as paintings in 3D space. Her pieces range in size and can be staggeringly complex and unusual. The work is all site specific and most of the time only exist in a space for a limited amount of time. While her work and mine can not be farther from each other at times, I am still intrigued by her process and the sheer amount of activity in her pieces. There is a strong mix of freedom and precision in each piece that allows you to enjoy it on the whole, but also move in and explore each nook and cranny. The individual parts that make up the whole of each work are generally completely different in shape and content, but in a bizarrely genius way they all come together to create a compositions that work. The last image in particular looks like it could easily be a painting with it's rolling pink waves and impressive depth. There is also a particular attention paid to the lighting in each of her pieces and in some cases it becomes a part of the work itself. Hopeful some day I will be able to experience one of her pieces in person.

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