Thursday, October 15, 2009


So I have made the decision that the windows project in one form or another is going to be what I pursue for my final senior portfolio. I took a look back at all the various projects that I have been pursuing over the last few months and made the decision that this one was the strongest of the bunch. And while the other ones will not be abandoned or forgotten I feel that pushing forward with the windows is the best choice. This is not only the project that I enjoy shooting the most, but is also formally and becoming conceptually the strongest.

A discussion with Kate over lunch the other day helped me to reach this conclusion. When she asked me why it was that I was doing this I sort of froze up and was unable to give a clear answer. The more we talked it over the more we came to some conclusions. I'm definitely initially drawn to why it is that stores leave their lights on all night, this I knew. But why does this matter? Why does it effect me? As we thought about we realized that there is a massive subliminal almost teasing aspect to it all. The stores are closed, but all the product is still lit and the windows are clear to see in. A lot of the time the windows are big enough to see in as you are whizzing by in you automobile. They are like loud, flashy reminders that all this product is waiting there for you, but you'll have to wait for morning!

So why the reflections? I could eliminate the glass windows by simply shooting with my lens on the glass, and I've tried that, but I feel that it is an element that is worth examining and including in the image. When we look through the glass at night we see not only the product inside, but what is behind us and also ourselves. In a single instant we see what we want, who we are, and what is around us. Now not everyone thinks about this when they walk up to a window and look in, but I think it is something that is often overlooked. I don't know if I want to include my own actual reflection in the image but at least hints of me like the one image where my car can be seen in the background. I also want to push the abstraction like the one on the left so that there is less of a focus on just the product and more on all the elements that are being presented.

As far as presentation goes I think they should be large and close to each other, to emulate how strip malls are set up. What I have posted here is just a mock up of some of the images I have already taken. I like the idea that they can be viewed on a surface level and appreciated for their color and form, but the little hints and subtleties in each piece will hopefully be enough to make you think twice about what it is you are actually looking at.

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