Thursday, October 22, 2009


Shooting was the main theme for this week, and a lot of it. I figured that since I decided that I was going to progress with the window work for now I better accumulate a solid base of photos to choose from for the midterm crit. I went out three nights in a row, this time after 2:00 A.M. to avoid people and decided to explore the Carrytown and campus area as opposed to going down Broad like I usually do. After I shot for a few days I really felt like I had made progress in terms of my subjects and the way that I presented them. Some of the images are more intertwined and difficult to read than the others and I really enjoyed that ascetic. The figure ground play is to the point where it almost looks photoshoped. The images that require you to really question where you are and what you are looking at are the ones that excite me the most. So I have chosen a few for my crit and can't wait to hear what people have to say, and judging by what responses I get I will decide weather to continue in this direction or not.

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