Thursday, February 25, 2010


Color is something that has been playing a large part in my work recently. For the longest time the main thing I thought about was composition and line, making sure that the photos were perfect in that respect. I feel like in the last few months I have gotten to a point where the composition in my photos is exactly where I want it to be. I'm not saying that my compositions are perfect and I'm done progressing them but I feel like it's time to focus my attention onto something else. In my recent series its debatable that color plays a larger role then the compositions do in terms of what catches your attention. The color is what you see first, it's what draws you in, the composition and use of space are what keep you there.

I think that every picture has to have these two elements in order for it to be successful. A photo can not survive on just initial presence or intricacies. There has to be a perfect mesh of curb value and second wind depth in order for the photo to both function and keep a lasting impression. I think that this is something that is often overlooked in a lot of the instant photography of today. So many images exist purely on shock value, but have little to no lasting effect on the viewer. This is the challenge now days in the over-saturated market. Be able to grab the viewer, pull him over and make him look. But once there keep him interested enough to stick with it for more than five seconds, and remember it on top of that.

This is what I am looking for in my photos. I feel that some of my images in the recent series have both these qualities, while others lack in certain aspects. I think that if I can remember to keep both of theses things in my mind while shooting and editing the work can only grow.

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